The best things come in small, neat, well designed packages they say. All the better for slowly unwrapping. So this is how the latest Brand Literary Magazine Issue 4 appears. Nice to touch, with smooth glossy pages, very easy on the eyes, and full of edgy, provoking lines of poetry, short fiction and art work. It is the magazine of the Creative Writing Department at Greenwich. It contains my story String of Bright Moments which you can read a sample of here. The public launch and reading will be at Rix Mix, May 3rd.
Editor, Nina Rapi goes to the core of feelings in the introduction, talking of the battle that breaks out between erotic and higher forms of love, an overriding theme. Jeffar Khaldi's work appears in it. This artist, from Lebanon, also appeared at the Unveiled: New Art from the Middle East at the Saatchi Gallery, reported below.
Two copies have just arrived for me to look at, so will leaf through them at leisure and report back on the contents: thus far, thus good, I'm smelling a winner, it's a tasty literary morsel.